EarthWalk-Ojai Spiritual Village

Upcoming Events

What Earthwalk-Ojai is about…

EarthWalk-Ojai Spiritual Village is dedicated to creating and supporting a community of people who long for Spiritual Embodiment and Connection for the Transformation, Integration, Evolution and Expansion of human expression into the essence and truth of our unique being through love, kindness, caring, compassion, healing, service and community.


To provide spaces to safely express our authentic selves and create belonging.


We do our best:

To be kind and loving to ourselves and others

To take responsibility for how we feel, and not to blame others, nor to impose our beliefs onto others.

To honor confidentiality and avoid gossip.

To practice truthfulness and honesty, reciprocity and energy exchange with ourselves and each other. 

To participate in things that interest us and to contribute what we can.

To love and treat ourselves at least as well as we love and treat others.

To listen to each other, to nature, to our own knowing and to God in all its forms.

To show up.

To honor and support to the best of our ability, this land, the Chumash people and all that has been taken from them.

To honor all races, cultures, genders, sexual orientations, and religions/spiritual paths that lead to the source of all that is (God in all its forms).

We strive for integrity and ethical behavior.

We honor the sacred law that nothing shall be done to harm the children – both our inner children and the children who walk this planet.

We do what we can to improve and support and protect our natural environment.

If you resonate with these values, you belong in this community.

Support us

All donations may be tax deductible